Data Use Policy

Friendlydb believes your data is your data. You decide the privacy level of your posts and profile. If you decide to cancel your account or delete items you have posted we do not keep backup copies, Your items and account information are removed forever. We will not sell or give away your data, the only exception is if your data is requested with a proper warrant from law enforcement.

Required Data

We require email,first name,last name, birthdate and gender. This information is used to indentify unique users on the site. If you cancel your account all the option required data will be permanently removed...

Optional Data

You may add information such as home town, photos, address ,education, work,philosphy, activities and interests. This information is volunatary and not required... If you cancel your account all the option information will be permanently removed...

Data from you

We receive data about you whenever you interact with Friendlydb, such as when you look at another person's profile, send or receive a message, write a comment, search for a friend or a page, click on, view or otherwise interact with the site... This information can be used to allow for social interaction and is essential for the site... If you cancel your account all your comments, messages and social interactions will be permanently removed...

Account Cancellations

There is no waiting period for account cancellations. Account cancellations are imediate. All required data, optional data and data from you will be permamently removed if you choose to cancel your account.


Your information may be used by adverisers on solely for marketing purposes such as matching advertisements to your likes, dislikes, location ,gender and interactions on the site...