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Anne Thorpe
Thursday April 23, 2015 @ 02:46:24 AM mt

Anne Thorpe: Fires Engulfed 70% Of His Body When He Was Only 6, But Look At What He Does Now... -

No human is a stranger to struggle. At some point, everyone must endure a trying time and typically, we come out harder, stronger, and better because of it. But sometimes, life can serve some particularly hard blows. When tragic things happen, it can be difficult tomake sense of it all. Questions

Amazingly brave young man! We all could learn from him about sheer courage.

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Anne Thorpe
Saturday April 18, 2015 @ 04:00:35 AM mt

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Anne Thorpe
Sunday April 12, 2015 @ 05:03:09 PM mt

Anne Thorpe: Priest Reveals CLEVER Idea to Protect Christians From LGBT Demands

It seems as though there has been a significant uptick in the frequency of news stories reporting on incidents between Christian business owners and homosexual patrons.

A bully is a bully, no matter how colorful and cheerful their rainbow flag might be! Bottom line here is if getting "equal" rights by political lobbying isn't moving along fast enough, then attack Christians any way you can and ram your immorality down their throats!! I think this priest's idea is SPOT ON!! What if HETEROSEXUALS designed ther own flag and forced LGBT businesses to serve them whether they wanted to or not?!? Since WHEN is one's sexual proclivity a political issue? See how ridiculous and destructive LGBT thinking is?? It is nothing more than an undisguised power grab!!

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Anne Thorpe
Friday April 10, 2015 @ 02:59:21 PM mt

Anne Thorpe: Do You Actually Know How To Use The Proper English Tenses? | Teacher Problems

Do you correct poor grammar on Facebook? You know you do! Let's find out now if you are actually any good at grammar when it comes to the tricky English tenses!

The way people use grammar is a clue to their background and education. Take this test to find out how well you retained high school English or if you need to go back to school for a refresher course in Grammar!

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Anne Thorpe
Friday April 10, 2015 @ 01:42:47 PM mt

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Anne Thorpe
Saturday March 14, 2015 @ 06:52:48 AM mt

Anne Thorpe: Email Trey Gowdy

Do you support an investigation into what happened in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012? Millions of Americans do and Trey Gowdy is one of them.

Rep. Gowdy will get to the bottom if Benghzi AND why Hillary destroyed 30K emails from her own PRIVATE server while she was Secretary of State. I smell a goose cooking!

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Anne Thorpe
Saturday March 14, 2015 @ 06:42:25 AM mt

Anne Thorpe: Here's the Disgraceful Tweet Mike Brown's Mom Posted After 2 Cops Were Shot in Ferguson

This is just sickening!

This speaks for itself!

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Anne Thorpe
Tuesday March 10, 2015 @ 02:07:27 PM mt

Anne Thorpe: Support Offshore Energy Exploration

Help us become energy independent by supporting offshore exploration. Just click on the link and add your name. Won't cost you a dime!

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Anne Thorpe
Tuesday March 10, 2015 @ 02:07:27 PM mt

Anne Thorpe: Support Offshore Energy Exploration

Help us become energy independent by supporting offshore exploration. Just click on the link and add your name. Won't cost you a dime!

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Anne Thorpe
Tuesday March 10, 2015 @ 02:07:27 PM mt

Anne Thorpe: Support Offshore Energy Exploration

Help us become energy independent by supporting offshore exploration. Just click on the link and add your name. Won't cost you a dime!

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