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Louie Rossique
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 05:09:27 PM mt

Louie Rossique: Israel and Saudi Arabia form alliance against Iran | JEWSNEWS

The Sunday Times reported in London Nov 17 one of the worst kept secrets in diplomatic, military and intelligence circles across the Middle East, Europe, Russia and in Washington; that Israel and Saudi Arabia have formed an alliance in all but name to thwart the Islamic Republic of Iran from dev...

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Louie Rossique
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 05:09:02 PM mt

Louie Rossique: OverpassesForAmerica – OBAMA’S PENTAGON LOSES TRACK OF $500 MILLION IN WEAPONS, EQUIPMENT SENT TO YEMEN #o4a #ImpeachObama #news

Mr Americana, Overpasses News Desk March 24th, 2015 Overpasses For America VIA WASHINGTON POST U.S. firearms supplied to the Interior Ministry in Yemen, which has received $500 million in aid from the United States since 2007 under an array of

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Louie Rossique
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 11:50:06 AM mt

Louie Rossique: The 2nd Amendment Could Be Safe Forever After What The FBI Just Revealed

The New York Times and AP covered the...

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Louie Rossique
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 11:20:38 AM mt

Louie Rossique: Redirecting...

She should be thrown in jail

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Louie Rossique
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 11:16:25 AM mt

Louie Rossique shared HeartMath for Troops, Veterans and Families's photo

They are trained to move as one with their soldier and their loyalty is immeasurable....
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Louie Rossique
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 11:16:12 AM mt

Louie Rossique shared The BULLY Project's photo

Just came across this and needed to share. Isabella, your photo and message say it all. Beautiful. So much love!
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Louie Rossique
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 04:48:53 AM mt

Louie Rossique: 500 Russian Jews to Shop at Paris Market Where Jews Were Killed

A Russian chief rabbi is slated to lead a delegation of 500 young Jews to the Hyper Cacher supermarket near Paris where four Jewish shoppers were murdered.

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Louie Rossique
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 04:43:08 AM mt

Louie Rossique: Turning America into a Battlefield: A Blueprint for Locking Down the Nation » Sons of Liberty Media

Turning America into a Battlefield: A Blueprint for Locking Down the Nation

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Louie Rossique
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 04:41:35 AM mt

Louie Rossique: Anti-gun Loretta Lynch Sworn in as Attorney General | Current Alerts

Like rebellious children, politicians never learn if you dont tell them they screwed up and put the heat on them.

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Louie Rossique
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 04:40:19 AM mt

Louie Rossique: Hero of Baltimore riots: A mom | Fox News

A woman caught on video, who appears to be a mother disciplining her son, is the hero of the Baltimore riots.

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