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Bill Price
Sunday April 26, 2015 @ 04:11:58 PM mt

Bill Price: Petition Verizon: STABBED EMPLOYEE -NO WORK COMP

2,443 signatures are still needed!

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Bill Price
Wednesday April 15, 2015 @ 03:05:33 PM mt

Bill Price posted the following

PUTTING THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE!!!!!!!! Without mentioning any names I will give anyone who reads this post a view of what it takes to carry on a fight for what is right and seek justice for persons that were abused and robbed of the happy life that many of you take for granted. There are so many hours of research, travel, telephone calls, emails, answering questions, planning events, juggling schedules, pressures on relationships, financial strains, all of that plus the physical stress of loss of sleep and hours of work preparing for all the events you read about. I think it is time for everyone involved in this fight for justice to sit back and think of what is being done and how. I see and hear lots of involved people criticize how and when things are getting done. Be honest my friends and seriously sit and think of what it takes to make this stuff happen. I said I was putting this into perspective and I want each of you to ask yourself what would happen if the people that are fighting for you were to get tired and quit, where would this fight for justice end up. Who would be willing to take the reins and continue to carry on the cause and except all the headaches and pressures I just mentioned? I ran into this before when I originally came forward and let people know that this happened to me when I was a child. I came forward and then the ball was dropped and for nearly a year the person who persuaded me to tell my story made no contact nor did he let me know of any thing that was happening. I later found that it was for personal and selfish reasons. When I finally found a way to let my voice be heard and to find justice for all white house boys, I was reenergized and have been totally involved. I am here for us all. I have also been reading posts that are so childish I would be afraid for some one to know they came from a grown man. To personally attack any one on social media is the lowest form of childish behavior that I have witnessed especially since the allegations are unfounded. I also saw where some people liked the childish remakes he made, we must be surely dealing with a group of kindergarteners on Facebook. Its either that or they are merely friends and think the only way to deal psychosis is to agree with it. Lets stop the mindless attacks because everyone can see they are only one sided. Finally, I want everyone to know that what happened to me that I tell you is true. I spent 2 1/2 years there and went through a lot. I am no ones crony, nor do I answer to anyone. I follow rules and try to live my life between the lines. I work hard and I play hard. That keeps me on the right path. I have assumed responsibilities in this fight for myself to see justice done and for anyone else involved under a voluntary basis, as we all have. Do not accuse me of using this platform to better myself financially, do not accuse me of using this to make myself a person of notoriety, do not tell me I am doing this because I have nothing better to do. I am doing this because its the right thing. I have no idea how may people will take the time to read this full post but if you do, we were children when we were abused and we fight for that and the children of today so they never suffer what we did.

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Bill Price
Sunday April 12, 2015 @ 06:46:34 PM mt

Bill Price: Petition The FDA: Grant widespread access to Genervon's GM604 to all ALS Patients

43,961 signatures are still needed!

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Bill Price
Sunday April 05, 2015 @ 01:37:34 PM mt

Bill Price posted the following


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Bill Price
Tuesday March 31, 2015 @ 03:15:01 AM mt

Bill Price posted the following

Please leave a comment about what you saw. I will review in A M

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Bill Price
Tuesday March 31, 2015 @ 02:26:50 AM mt

Bill Price shared a link

I just collected FREE coins with my Daily Spin! Click fast and you can collect free coins too!

Super Spin WIN!

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Bill Price
Monday March 30, 2015 @ 06:48:35 PM mt

Bill Price posted the following

I had someone ask me who was my favorite president ever and I didn't have to pause and think. I do remember that many people wondered how good he would be since he was an actor and that's all we knew of him when he ran for office. Not only did he prove to be one of the best presidents ever but he also showed us what he thought of his country and how he appreciated anything that even the minor voters did for him. Case in point when I met him and helped with a visit to Tampa, it was a real treat being recognized. We should all miss that man.

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Bill Price
Sunday March 29, 2015 @ 11:08:11 PM mt

Bill Price shared a link

I just collected FREE coins with my Daily Spin! Click fast and you can collect free coins too!

Super Spin WIN!

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