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Bob Stone
Friday August 29, 2014 @ 08:02:35 PM mt

Bob Stone posted the following

I find it hard to believe how dumbed down American kids are about their country. Whenever Watter's World is on I try to watch. The abyssmal ignorance is astounding. Don't these these teachers teach history anymore? Are they so locked in to their political beliefs that educating the kids to listen to pro and con is no longer important so they brainwash them. Try having an intelligent conversation with them. It's incredible how narrow their outlook is. Near total communist or marxist is the only way to describe it.

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Bob Stone
Tuesday June 24, 2014 @ 09:37:34 PM mt

Bob Stone posted the following

I only hope I live long enough to read the "History of the Obama Presidency". It should be a shocker. A Lib will; lie his or her butt off. a true historian will probably find so many impeachable offenses he, or she, will wonder why this person wasn't impeached. Then again, when you have an AG who is as crooked as they come, it's no wonder you can't get any answers. And the dems; they are as culpable, fawning over O like he's a god, even when he's killing the country. With dems in office you better start learning Arabic. This may seem disjointed thinking but it's part and parcel of all that is wrong with this administration.

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Bob Stone
Thursday May 15, 2014 @ 11:53:09 PM mt

Bob Stone posted the following

I hear a lot of comments on why Muslims don't speak out about the Islamists. Simple. they don't say anything that would hurt them when, as they believe, the Islamists take over. If the Islamists don't take over and are destroyed then you will see a cacophony of "I was against the all along" If they should take over those nice moderate Muslims will be the first to cut your throat to prove what a good Muslim they are

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Bob Stone
Sunday February 23, 2014 @ 05:09:54 PM mt

Bob Stone posted the following

Hey, Nick. I still can't figure this thing out. I sent condolences and made a comment but, as usual, it went awry. anyway it's whole not hole. Grandpa

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Bob Stone
Sunday February 23, 2014 @ 05:01:46 PM mt

Bob Stone posted the following

Recent ad for government workers: If you are mediocre, can lie real good, are totally inept, love Obama and like his pretty smile; we have a position for you running a department with which you are totally unfamiliar. Wecome aboard the sinking ship.

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Bob Stone
Friday February 14, 2014 @ 10:38:52 PM mt

Bob Stone posted the following

Our law says we can't assassinate a leader of another country-it doesn't say anything about an ex-anything. You get my point! get ther SOB.

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Bob Stone
Saturday October 26, 2013 @ 04:20:07 PM mt

Bob Stone likes a status

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