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Crypto Bars
Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 06:37:53 AM mt

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Crypto Bars
Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 06:37:03 AM mt

Crypto Bars: Emotional letter begs Australian banks to leave 'humiliated' farmers alone

An Australian vet has penned a letter about the horrific treatment of farmers in northern Queensland by the big banks.

From the outset if I could just thank Jenny Ryall for connecting me to your Facebook page, much appreciated Jenny. David youre a great bloke and obviously passionate about this issue, as am I, however we need to come up with solutions. 1. This is not a new issue, it has been going on for years and we read the same disgraceful acts by the banks and the lack of government action because to be honest, it is probably last on their list of "If we help will it get us re elected". So knowing this, I am perplexed as to why you would almost to the point of insanity (doing the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome) think the banks and government were going to do anything different. 2. If you think the banks and the government are actually going to help then you might as well expect nothing to change. Is it that those who think this way have been educated to believe they cannot think or do for themselves? The first thing that came to my mind was if you are thinking we need banks to change and/or government to step in and help then I want to be thinking the exact opposite, as history is a good predictor of the future, and therefore the results you are looking for would never come as they have never come before. Heres an old saying which has obviously been forgotten "if you cant beat them join them". 3. So what am I thinking then? Its pretty obvious to me. We open up our own rural bank, that way we, being the rural sector, would be the shareholders. Now before you believe we cant do that let me explain. A banking licence is not given from God or the result of a miracle it is simply a licence given out to those who are in the know by countries around the world. Here is an example as I always like to prove what I say: Now this is just one of at least 50 countries who do this. If this is a little too difficult to grasp, then I suggest we put a group of ethical investors together and acquiring our own bank. Again, this is very easy, how about the Caribbean or Panama? Maybe US, UAE, NZ, or others? 4. Ok so how do we do it? This is a great question. When we are as passionate about an issue such as this our judgment and thinking processes get clouded, which is why I always enter with a clear head and ask whats everyone thinking? Then I figure out what are they not seeing and I go there. Barnaby is a great guy, people can call him whatever they want because thats easy, what is not easy is he is only one man up against a political and financial machine. I cannot believe after all the kicks in the guts he has got that he is actually still going. Think what you like, it is not until you are in there and have to deal with the issues and pressures that come at you 500 times a day that you get a good dose of respect for men of his caliber. 5. So Barnaby can play a role in the support area of acquiring a bank or license as we are going to get push-back from the existing bank sector. No doubt they wont like it because it sets a precedent. He can play a positive role, Alan Jones another good man who can assist in spreading the word to ethical investors, and of course Bobby Katter and son can work with us as he knows better than anyone the issues on the ground: drought, infrastructure, sustainability, supply chains etc. 6. The banking system has been the same for the last 100 years since the Fed began in 1913. It is time that model was shifted more towards the ethical side of the equation. We are calling on people to support and act by making calls, getting onto Bobby, Alan, Barnaby and others that are as passionate about this subject as we are, and then I am sure we can get a result. I cannot, nor do I have the resources to do it all by myself. It will happen well inside the 12 months with your support. So in wrapping up, we want to start our own rural bank where the shareholders are those in the rural sector, who are the very people who make a positive contribution to our society and food security. If you need a term for this as some do then it would come under diversification, where the rural sector invests in their future through being the very shareholders of the bank which does what banks do to those outside the rural community. Its pretty simple really.We have the technology, assets, and ethical banking products to guarantee this abuse of those in our rural sector never comes up again, we can make it right. Hopefully I get an email or a call as I have put a comment over on Larry Pickerings website last week and received nothing yet, so there are a lot of talkers out there, however very few doers. If you are a doer, especially in the ethical space then please email me or connect on LinkedIn. Regards, Gary McAlister Terry [email protected]

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Crypto Bars
Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 06:37:03 AM mt

Crypto Bars posted the following

An Australian vet has penned a letter about the horrific treatment of farmers in northern Queensland by the big banks.

From the outset if I could just thank Jenny Ryall for connecting me to your Facebook page, much appreciated Jenny. David youre a great bloke and obviously passionate about this issue, as am I, however we need to come up with solutions. 1. This is not a new issue, it has been going on for years and we read the same disgraceful acts by the banks and the lack of government action because to be honest, it is probably last on their list of "If we help will it get us re elected". So knowing this, I am perplexed as to why you would almost to the point of insanity (doing the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome) think the banks and government were going to do anything different. 2. If you think the banks and the government are actually going to help then you might as well expect nothing to change. Is it that those who think this way have been educated to believe they cannot think or do for themselves? The first thing that came to my mind was if you are thinking we need banks to change and/or government to step in and help then I want to be thinking the exact opposite, as history is a good predictor of the future, and therefore the results you are looking for would never come as they have never come before. Heres an old saying which has obviously been forgotten "if you cant beat them join them". 3. So what am I thinking then? Its pretty obvious to me. We open up our own rural bank, that way we, being the rural sector, would be the shareholders. Now before you believe we cant do that let me explain. A banking licence is not given from God or the result of a miracle it is simply a licence given out to those who are in the know by countries around the world. Here is an example as I always like to prove what I say: Now this is just one of at least 50 countries who do this. If this is a little too difficult to grasp, then I suggest we put a group of ethical investors together and acquiring our own bank. Again, this is very easy, how about the Caribbean or Panama? Maybe US, UAE, NZ, or others? 4. Ok so how do we do it? This is a great question. When we are as passionate about an issue such as this our judgment and thinking processes get clouded, which is why I always enter with a clear head and ask whats everyone thinking? Then I figure out what are they not seeing and I go there. Barnaby is a great guy, people can call him whatever they want because thats easy, what is not easy is he is only one man up against a political and financial machine. I cannot believe after all the kicks in the guts he has got that he is actually still going. Think what you like, it is not until you are in there and have to deal with the issues and pressures that come at you 500 times a day that you get a good dose of respect for men of his caliber. 5. So Barnaby can play a role in the support area of acquiring a bank or license as we are going to get push-back from the existing bank sector. No doubt they wont like it because it sets a precedent. He can play a positive role, Alan Jones another good man who can assist in spreading the word to ethical investors, and of course Bobby Katter and son can work with us as he knows better than anyone the issues on the ground: drought, infrastructure, sustainability, supply chains etc. 6. The banking system has been the same for the last 100 years since the Fed began in 1913. It is time that model was shifted more towards the ethical side of the equation. We are calling on people to support and act by making calls, getting onto Bobby, Alan, Barnaby and others that are as passionate about this subject as we are, and then I am sure we can get a result. I cannot, nor do I have the resources to do it all by myself. It will happen well inside the 12 months with your support. So in wrapping up, we want to start our own rural bank where the shareholders are those in the rural sector, who are the very people who make a positive contribution to our society and food security. If you need a term for this as some do then it would come under diversification, where the rural sector invests in their future through being the very shareholders of the bank which does what banks do to those outside the rural community. Its pretty simple really.We have the technology, assets, and ethical banking products to guarantee this abuse of those in our rural sector never comes up again, we can make it right. Hopefully I get an email or a call as I have put a comment over on Larry Pickerings website last week and received nothing yet, so there are a lot of talkers out there, however very few doers. If you are a doer, especially in the ethical space then please email me or connect on LinkedIn. Regards, Gary McAlister Terry [email protected]

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Crypto Bars
Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 06:37:03 AM mt

Crypto Bars posted the following

An Australian vet has penned a letter about the horrific treatment of farmers in northern Queensland by the big banks.

From the outset if I could just thank Jenny Ryall for connecting me to your Facebook page, much appreciated Jenny. David youre a great bloke and obviously passionate about this issue, as am I, however we need to come up with solutions. 1. This is not a new issue, it has been going on for years and we read the same disgraceful acts by the banks and the lack of government action because to be honest, it is probably last on their list of "If we help will it get us re elected". So knowing this, I am perplexed as to why you would almost to the point of insanity (doing the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome) think the banks and government were going to do anything different. 2. If you think the banks and the government are actually going to help then you might as well expect nothing to change. Is it that those who think this way have been educated to believe they cannot think or do for themselves? The first thing that came to my mind was if you are thinking we need banks to change and/or government to step in and help then I want to be thinking the exact opposite, as history is a good predictor of the future, and therefore the results you are looking for would never come as they have never come before. Heres an old saying which has obviously been forgotten "if you cant beat them join them". 3. So what am I thinking then? Its pretty obvious to me. We open up our own rural bank, that way we, being the rural sector, would be the shareholders. Now before you believe we cant do that let me explain. A banking licence is not given from God or the result of a miracle it is simply a licence given out to those who are in the know by countries around the world. Here is an example as I always like to prove what I say: Now this is just one of at least 50 countries who do this. If this is a little too difficult to grasp, then I suggest we put a group of ethical investors together and acquiring our own bank. Again, this is very easy, how about the Caribbean or Panama? Maybe US, UAE, NZ, or others? 4. Ok so how do we do it? This is a great question. When we are as passionate about an issue such as this our judgment and thinking processes get clouded, which is why I always enter with a clear head and ask whats everyone thinking? Then I figure out what are they not seeing and I go there. Barnaby is a great guy, people can call him whatever they want because thats easy, what is not easy is he is only one man up against a political and financial machine. I cannot believe after all the kicks in the guts he has got that he is actually still going. Think what you like, it is not until you are in there and have to deal with the issues and pressures that come at you 500 times a day that you get a good dose of respect for men of his caliber. 5. So Barnaby can play a role in the support area of acquiring a bank or license as we are going to get push-back from the existing bank sector. No doubt they wont like it because it sets a precedent. He can play a positive role, Alan Jones another good man who can assist in spreading the word to ethical investors, and of course Bobby Katter and son can work with us as he knows better than anyone the issues on the ground: drought, infrastructure, sustainability, supply chains etc. 6. The banking system has been the same for the last 100 years since the Fed began in 1913. It is time that model was shifted more towards the ethical side of the equation. We are calling on people to support and act by making calls, getting onto Bobby, Alan, Barnaby and others that are as passionate about this subject as we are, and then I am sure we can get a result. I cannot, nor do I have the resources to do it all by myself. It will happen well inside the 12 months with your support. So in wrapping up, we want to start our own rural bank where the shareholders are those in the rural sector, who are the very people who make a positive contribution to our society and food security. If you need a term for this as some do then it would come under diversification, where the rural sector invests in their future through being the very shareholders of the bank which does what banks do to those outside the rural community. Its pretty simple really.We have the technology, assets, and ethical banking products to guarantee this abuse of those in our rural sector never comes up again, we can make it right. Hopefully I get an email or a call as I have put a comment over on Larry Pickerings website last week and received nothing yet, so there are a lot of talkers out there, however very few doers. If you are a doer, especially in the ethical space then please email me or connect on LinkedIn. Regards, Gary McAlister Terry [email protected]

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Crypto Bars
Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 06:37:03 AM mt

Crypto Bars posted the following

An Australian vet has penned a letter about the horrific treatment of farmers in northern Queensland by the big banks.

From the outset if I could just thank Jenny Ryall for connecting me to your Facebook page, much appreciated Jenny. David youre a great bloke and obviously passionate about this issue, as am I, however we need to come up with solutions. 1. This is not a new issue, it has been going on for years and we read the same disgraceful acts by the banks and the lack of government action because to be honest, it is probably last on their list of "If we help will it get us re elected". So knowing this, I am perplexed as to why you would almost to the point of insanity (doing the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome) think the banks and government were going to do anything different. 2. If you think the banks and the government are actually going to help then you might as well expect nothing to change. Is it that those who think this way have been educated to believe they cannot think or do for themselves? The first thing that came to my mind was if you are thinking we need banks to change and/or government to step in and help then I want to be thinking the exact opposite, as history is a good predictor of the future, and therefore the results you are looking for would never come as they have never come before. Heres an old saying which has obviously been forgotten "if you cant beat them join them". 3. So what am I thinking then? Its pretty obvious to me. We open up our own rural bank, that way we, being the rural sector, would be the shareholders. Now before you believe we cant do that let me explain. A banking licence is not given from God or the result of a miracle it is simply a licence given out to those who are in the know by countries around the world. Here is an example as I always like to prove what I say: Now this is just one of at least 50 countries who do this. If this is a little too difficult to grasp, then I suggest we put a group of ethical investors together and acquiring our own bank. Again, this is very easy, how about the Caribbean or Panama? Maybe US, UAE, NZ, or others? 4. Ok so how do we do it? This is a great question. When we are as passionate about an issue such as this our judgment and thinking processes get clouded, which is why I always enter with a clear head and ask whats everyone thinking? Then I figure out what are they not seeing and I go there. Barnaby is a great guy, people can call him whatever they want because thats easy, what is not easy is he is only one man up against a political and financial machine. I cannot believe after all the kicks in the guts he has got that he is actually still going. Think what you like, it is not until you are in there and have to deal with the issues and pressures that come at you 500 times a day that you get a good dose of respect for men of his caliber. 5. So Barnaby can play a role in the support area of acquiring a bank or license as we are going to get push-back from the existing bank sector. No doubt they wont like it because it sets a precedent. He can play a positive role, Alan Jones another good man who can assist in spreading the word to ethical investors, and of course Bobby Katter and son can work with us as he knows better than anyone the issues on the ground: drought, infrastructure, sustainability, supply chains etc. 6. The banking system has been the same for the last 100 years since the Fed began in 1913. It is time that model was shifted more towards the ethical side of the equation. We are calling on people to support and act by making calls, getting onto Bobby, Alan, Barnaby and others that are as passionate about this subject as we are, and then I am sure we can get a result. I cannot, nor do I have the resources to do it all by myself. It will happen well inside the 12 months with your support. So in wrapping up, we want to start our own rural bank where the shareholders are those in the rural sector, who are the very people who make a positive contribution to our society and food security. If you need a term for this as some do then it would come under diversification, where the rural sector invests in their future through being the very shareholders of the bank which does what banks do to those outside the rural community. Its pretty simple really.We have the technology, assets, and ethical banking products to guarantee this abuse of those in our rural sector never comes up again, we can make it right. Hopefully I get an email or a call as I have put a comment over on Larry Pickerings website last week and received nothing yet, so there are a lot of talkers out there, however very few doers. If you are a doer, especially in the ethical space then please email me or connect on LinkedIn. Regards, Gary McAlister Terry [email protected]

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Crypto Bars
Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 06:37:03 AM mt

Crypto Bars posted the following

An Australian vet has penned a letter about the horrific treatment of farmers in northern Queensland by the big banks.

From the outset if I could just thank Jenny Ryall for connecting me to your Facebook page, much appreciated Jenny. David youre a great bloke and obviously passionate about this issue, as am I, however we need to come up with solutions. 1. This is not a new issue, it has been going on for years and we read the same disgraceful acts by the banks and the lack of government action because to be honest, it is probably last on their list of "If we help will it get us re elected". So knowing this, I am perplexed as to why you would almost to the point of insanity (doing the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome) think the banks and government were going to do anything different. 2. If you think the banks and the government are actually going to help then you might as well expect nothing to change. Is it that those who think this way have been educated to believe they cannot think or do for themselves? The first thing that came to my mind was if you are thinking we need banks to change and/or government to step in and help then I want to be thinking the exact opposite, as history is a good predictor of the future, and therefore the results you are looking for would never come as they have never come before. Heres an old saying which has obviously been forgotten "if you cant beat them join them". 3. So what am I thinking then? Its pretty obvious to me. We open up our own rural bank, that way we, being the rural sector, would be the shareholders. Now before you believe we cant do that let me explain. A banking licence is not given from God or the result of a miracle it is simply a licence given out to those who are in the know by countries around the world. Here is an example as I always like to prove what I say: Now this is just one of at least 50 countries who do this. If this is a little too difficult to grasp, then I suggest we put a group of ethical investors together and acquiring our own bank. Again, this is very easy, how about the Caribbean or Panama? Maybe US, UAE, NZ, or others? 4. Ok so how do we do it? This is a great question. When we are as passionate about an issue such as this our judgment and thinking processes get clouded, which is why I always enter with a clear head and ask whats everyone thinking? Then I figure out what are they not seeing and I go there. Barnaby is a great guy, people can call him whatever they want because thats easy, what is not easy is he is only one man up against a political and financial machine. I cannot believe after all the kicks in the guts he has got that he is actually still going. Think what you like, it is not until you are in there and have to deal with the issues and pressures that come at you 500 times a day that you get a good dose of respect for men of his caliber. 5. So Barnaby can play a role in the support area of acquiring a bank or license as we are going to get push-back from the existing bank sector. No doubt they wont like it because it sets a precedent. He can play a positive role, Alan Jones another good man who can assist in spreading the word to ethical investors, and of course Bobby Katter and son can work with us as he knows better than anyone the issues on the ground: drought, infrastructure, sustainability, supply chains etc. 6. The banking system has been the same for the last 100 years since the Fed began in 1913. It is time that model was shifted more towards the ethical side of the equation. We are calling on people to support and act by making calls, getting onto Bobby, Alan, Barnaby and others that are as passionate about this subject as we are, and then I am sure we can get a result. I cannot, nor do I have the resources to do it all by myself. It will happen well inside the 12 months with your support. So in wrapping up, we want to start our own rural bank where the shareholders are those in the rural sector, who are the very people who make a positive contribution to our society and food security. If you need a term for this as some do then it would come under diversification, where the rural sector invests in their future through being the very shareholders of the bank which does what banks do to those outside the rural community. Its pretty simple really.We have the technology, assets, and ethical banking products to guarantee this abuse of those in our rural sector never comes up again, we can make it right. Hopefully I get an email or a call as I have put a comment over on Larry Pickerings website last week and received nothing yet, so there are a lot of talkers out there, however very few doers. If you are a doer, especially in the ethical space then please email me or connect on LinkedIn. Regards, Gary McAlister Terry [email protected]

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Crypto Bars
Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 06:37:03 AM mt

Crypto Bars posted the following

An Australian vet has penned a letter about the horrific treatment of farmers in northern Queensland by the big banks.

From the outset if I could just thank Jenny Ryall for connecting me to your Facebook page, much appreciated Jenny. David youre a great bloke and obviously passionate about this issue, as am I, however we need to come up with solutions. 1. This is not a new issue, it has been going on for years and we read the same disgraceful acts by the banks and the lack of government action because to be honest, it is probably last on their list of "If we help will it get us re elected". So knowing this, I am perplexed as to why you would almost to the point of insanity (doing the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome) think the banks and government were going to do anything different. 2. If you think the banks and the government are actually going to help then you might as well expect nothing to change. Is it that those who think this way have been educated to believe they cannot think or do for themselves? The first thing that came to my mind was if you are thinking we need banks to change and/or government to step in and help then I want to be thinking the exact opposite, as history is a good predictor of the future, and therefore the results you are looking for would never come as they have never come before. Heres an old saying which has obviously been forgotten "if you cant beat them join them". 3. So what am I thinking then? Its pretty obvious to me. We open up our own rural bank, that way we, being the rural sector, would be the shareholders. Now before you believe we cant do that let me explain. A banking licence is not given from God or the result of a miracle it is simply a licence given out to those who are in the know by countries around the world. Here is an example as I always like to prove what I say: Now this is just one of at least 50 countries who do this. If this is a little too difficult to grasp, then I suggest we put a group of ethical investors together and acquiring our own bank. Again, this is very easy, how about the Caribbean or Panama? Maybe US, UAE, NZ, or others? 4. Ok so how do we do it? This is a great question. When we are as passionate about an issue such as this our judgment and thinking processes get clouded, which is why I always enter with a clear head and ask whats everyone thinking? Then I figure out what are they not seeing and I go there. Barnaby is a great guy, people can call him whatever they want because thats easy, what is not easy is he is only one man up against a political and financial machine. I cannot believe after all the kicks in the guts he has got that he is actually still going. Think what you like, it is not until you are in there and have to deal with the issues and pressures that come at you 500 times a day that you get a good dose of respect for men of his caliber. 5. So Barnaby can play a role in the support area of acquiring a bank or license as we are going to get push-back from the existing bank sector. No doubt they wont like it because it sets a precedent. He can play a positive role, Alan Jones another good man who can assist in spreading the word to ethical investors, and of course Bobby Katter and son can work with us as he knows better than anyone the issues on the ground: drought, infrastructure, sustainability, supply chains etc. 6. The banking system has been the same for the last 100 years since the Fed began in 1913. It is time that model was shifted more towards the ethical side of the equation. We are calling on people to support and act by making calls, getting onto Bobby, Alan, Barnaby and others that are as passionate about this subject as we are, and then I am sure we can get a result. I cannot, nor do I have the resources to do it all by myself. It will happen well inside the 12 months with your support. So in wrapping up, we want to start our own rural bank where the shareholders are those in the rural sector, who are the very people who make a positive contribution to our society and food security. If you need a term for this as some do then it would come under diversification, where the rural sector invests in their future through being the very shareholders of the bank which does what banks do to those outside the rural community. Its pretty simple really.We have the technology, assets, and ethical banking products to guarantee this abuse of those in our rural sector never comes up again, we can make it right. Hopefully I get an email or a call as I have put a comment over on Larry Pickerings website last week and received nothing yet, so there are a lot of talkers out there, however very few doers. If you are a doer, especially in the ethical space then please email me or connect on LinkedIn. Regards, Gary McAlister Terry [email protected]

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Crypto Bars
Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 06:37:03 AM mt

Crypto Bars posted the following

An Australian vet has penned a letter about the horrific treatment of farmers in northern Queensland by the big banks.

From the outset if I could just thank Jenny Ryall for connecting me to your Facebook page, much appreciated Jenny. David youre a great bloke and obviously passionate about this issue, as am I, however we need to come up with solutions. 1. This is not a new issue, it has been going on for years and we read the same disgraceful acts by the banks and the lack of government action because to be honest, it is probably last on their list of "If we help will it get us re elected". So knowing this, I am perplexed as to why you would almost to the point of insanity (doing the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome) think the banks and government were going to do anything different. 2. If you think the banks and the government are actually going to help then you might as well expect nothing to change. Is it that those who think this way have been educated to believe they cannot think or do for themselves? The first thing that came to my mind was if you are thinking we need banks to change and/or government to step in and help then I want to be thinking the exact opposite, as history is a good predictor of the future, and therefore the results you are looking for would never come as they have never come before. Heres an old saying which has obviously been forgotten "if you cant beat them join them". 3. So what am I thinking then? Its pretty obvious to me. We open up our own rural bank, that way we, being the rural sector, would be the shareholders. Now before you believe we cant do that let me explain. A banking licence is not given from God or the result of a miracle it is simply a licence given out to those who are in the know by countries around the world. Here is an example as I always like to prove what I say: Now this is just one of at least 50 countries who do this. If this is a little too difficult to grasp, then I suggest we put a group of ethical investors together and acquiring our own bank. Again, this is very easy, how about the Caribbean or Panama? Maybe US, UAE, NZ, or others? 4. Ok so how do we do it? This is a great question. When we are as passionate about an issue such as this our judgment and thinking processes get clouded, which is why I always enter with a clear head and ask whats everyone thinking? Then I figure out what are they not seeing and I go there. Barnaby is a great guy, people can call him whatever they want because thats easy, what is not easy is he is only one man up against a political and financial machine. I cannot believe after all the kicks in the guts he has got that he is actually still going. Think what you like, it is not until you are in there and have to deal with the issues and pressures that come at you 500 times a day that you get a good dose of respect for men of his caliber. 5. So Barnaby can play a role in the support area of acquiring a bank or license as we are going to get push-back from the existing bank sector. No doubt they wont like it because it sets a precedent. He can play a positive role, Alan Jones another good man who can assist in spreading the word to ethical investors, and of course Bobby Katter and son can work with us as he knows better than anyone the issues on the ground: drought, infrastructure, sustainability, supply chains etc. 6. The banking system has been the same for the last 100 years since the Fed began in 1913. It is time that model was shifted more towards the ethical side of the equation. We are calling on people to support and act by making calls, getting onto Bobby, Alan, Barnaby and others that are as passionate about this subject as we are, and then I am sure we can get a result. I cannot, nor do I have the resources to do it all by myself. It will happen well inside the 12 months with your support. So in wrapping up, we want to start our own rural bank where the shareholders are those in the rural sector, who are the very people who make a positive contribution to our society and food security. If you need a term for this as some do then it would come under diversification, where the rural sector invests in their future through being the very shareholders of the bank which does what banks do to those outside the rural community. Its pretty simple really.We have the technology, assets, and ethical banking products to guarantee this abuse of those in our rural sector never comes up again, we can make it right. Hopefully I get an email or a call as I have put a comment over on Larry Pickerings website last week and received nothing yet, so there are a lot of talkers out there, however very few doers. If you are a doer, especially in the ethical space then please email me or connect on LinkedIn. Regards, Gary McAlister Terry [email protected]

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Crypto Bars
Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 06:37:03 AM mt

Crypto Bars posted the following

An Australian vet has penned a letter about the horrific treatment of farmers in northern Queensland by the big banks.

From the outset if I could just thank Jenny Ryall for connecting me to your Facebook page, much appreciated Jenny. David youre a great bloke and obviously passionate about this issue, as am I, however we need to come up with solutions. 1. This is not a new issue, it has been going on for years and we read the same disgraceful acts by the banks and the lack of government action because to be honest, it is probably last on their list of "If we help will it get us re elected". So knowing this, I am perplexed as to why you would almost to the point of insanity (doing the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome) think the banks and government were going to do anything different. 2. If you think the banks and the government are actually going to help then you might as well expect nothing to change. Is it that those who think this way have been educated to believe they cannot think or do for themselves? The first thing that came to my mind was if you are thinking we need banks to change and/or government to step in and help then I want to be thinking the exact opposite, as history is a good predictor of the future, and therefore the results you are looking for would never come as they have never come before. Heres an old saying which has obviously been forgotten "if you cant beat them join them". 3. So what am I thinking then? Its pretty obvious to me. We open up our own rural bank, that way we, being the rural sector, would be the shareholders. Now before you believe we cant do that let me explain. A banking licence is not given from God or the result of a miracle it is simply a licence given out to those who are in the know by countries around the world. Here is an example as I always like to prove what I say: Now this is just one of at least 50 countries who do this. If this is a little too difficult to grasp, then I suggest we put a group of ethical investors together and acquiring our own bank. Again, this is very easy, how about the Caribbean or Panama? Maybe US, UAE, NZ, or others? 4. Ok so how do we do it? This is a great question. When we are as passionate about an issue such as this our judgment and thinking processes get clouded, which is why I always enter with a clear head and ask whats everyone thinking? Then I figure out what are they not seeing and I go there. Barnaby is a great guy, people can call him whatever they want because thats easy, what is not easy is he is only one man up against a political and financial machine. I cannot believe after all the kicks in the guts he has got that he is actually still going. Think what you like, it is not until you are in there and have to deal with the issues and pressures that come at you 500 times a day that you get a good dose of respect for men of his caliber. 5. So Barnaby can play a role in the support area of acquiring a bank or license as we are going to get push-back from the existing bank sector. No doubt they wont like it because it sets a precedent. He can play a positive role, Alan Jones another good man who can assist in spreading the word to ethical investors, and of course Bobby Katter and son can work with us as he knows better than anyone the issues on the ground: drought, infrastructure, sustainability, supply chains etc. 6. The banking system has been the same for the last 100 years since the Fed began in 1913. It is time that model was shifted more towards the ethical side of the equation. We are calling on people to support and act by making calls, getting onto Bobby, Alan, Barnaby and others that are as passionate about this subject as we are, and then I am sure we can get a result. I cannot, nor do I have the resources to do it all by myself. It will happen well inside the 12 months with your support. So in wrapping up, we want to start our own rural bank where the shareholders are those in the rural sector, who are the very people who make a positive contribution to our society and food security. If you need a term for this as some do then it would come under diversification, where the rural sector invests in their future through being the very shareholders of the bank which does what banks do to those outside the rural community. Its pretty simple really.We have the technology, assets, and ethical banking products to guarantee this abuse of those in our rural sector never comes up again, we can make it right. Hopefully I get an email or a call as I have put a comment over on Larry Pickerings website last week and received nothing yet, so there are a lot of talkers out there, however very few doers. If you are a doer, especially in the ethical space then please email me or connect on LinkedIn. Regards, Gary McAlister Terry [email protected]

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Crypto Bars
Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 06:37:03 AM mt

Crypto Bars posted the following

An Australian vet has penned a letter about the horrific treatment of farmers in northern Queensland by the big banks.

From the outset if I could just thank Jenny Ryall for connecting me to your Facebook page, much appreciated Jenny. David youre a great bloke and obviously passionate about this issue, as am I, however we need to come up with solutions. 1. This is not a new issue, it has been going on for years and we read the same disgraceful acts by the banks and the lack of government action because to be honest, it is probably last on their list of "If we help will it get us re elected". So knowing this, I am perplexed as to why you would almost to the point of insanity (doing the same things over and over again expecting a different outcome) think the banks and government were going to do anything different. 2. If you think the banks and the government are actually going to help then you might as well expect nothing to change. Is it that those who think this way have been educated to believe they cannot think or do for themselves? The first thing that came to my mind was if you are thinking we need banks to change and/or government to step in and help then I want to be thinking the exact opposite, as history is a good predictor of the future, and therefore the results you are looking for would never come as they have never come before. Heres an old saying which has obviously been forgotten "if you cant beat them join them". 3. So what am I thinking then? Its pretty obvious to me. We open up our own rural bank, that way we, being the rural sector, would be the shareholders. Now before you believe we cant do that let me explain. A banking licence is not given from God or the result of a miracle it is simply a licence given out to those who are in the know by countries around the world. Here is an example as I always like to prove what I say: Now this is just one of at least 50 countries who do this. If this is a little too difficult to grasp, then I suggest we put a group of ethical investors together and acquiring our own bank. Again, this is very easy, how about the Caribbean or Panama? Maybe US, UAE, NZ, or others? 4. Ok so how do we do it? This is a great question. When we are as passionate about an issue such as this our judgment and thinking processes get clouded, which is why I always enter with a clear head and ask whats everyone thinking? Then I figure out what are they not seeing and I go there. Barnaby is a great guy, people can call him whatever they want because thats easy, what is not easy is he is only one man up against a political and financial machine. I cannot believe after all the kicks in the guts he has got that he is actually still going. Think what you like, it is not until you are in there and have to deal with the issues and pressures that come at you 500 times a day that you get a good dose of respect for men of his caliber. 5. So Barnaby can play a role in the support area of acquiring a bank or license as we are going to get push-back from the existing bank sector. No doubt they wont like it because it sets a precedent. He can play a positive role, Alan Jones another good man who can assist in spreading the word to ethical investors, and of course Bobby Katter and son can work with us as he knows better than anyone the issues on the ground: drought, infrastructure, sustainability, supply chains etc. 6. The banking system has been the same for the last 100 years since the Fed began in 1913. It is time that model was shifted more towards the ethical side of the equation. We are calling on people to support and act by making calls, getting onto Bobby, Alan, Barnaby and others that are as passionate about this subject as we are, and then I am sure we can get a result. I cannot, nor do I have the resources to do it all by myself. It will happen well inside the 12 months with your support. So in wrapping up, we want to start our own rural bank where the shareholders are those in the rural sector, who are the very people who make a positive contribution to our society and food security. If you need a term for this as some do then it would come under diversification, where the rural sector invests in their future through being the very shareholders of the bank which does what banks do to those outside the rural community. Its pretty simple really.We have the technology, assets, and ethical banking products to guarantee this abuse of those in our rural sector never comes up again, we can make it right. Hopefully I get an email or a call as I have put a comment over on Larry Pickerings website last week and received nothing yet, so there are a lot of talkers out there, however very few doers. If you are a doer, especially in the ethical space then please email me or connect on LinkedIn. Regards, Gary McAlister Terry [email protected]

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