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Christine Watson
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 11:39:29 AM mt

Christine Watson: Registration - Essential Oils Revolution

With 31 presentations containing relevant evidence and practical advice from our experts, The Essential Oils Revolution will help you use essential oils effectively and confidently. This event is the first-ever, online, brand-generic event to include experts from every field, including aromatherapy,

Wanna learn more about this Essential Oils Revolution? Join us! Not only is this healthy, it's fun!!!

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Christine Watson
Wednesday April 22, 2015 @ 11:30:17 AM mt

Christine Watson shared D8 Le JT's video

Nous vous prsentions Beth Hart hier soir dans le JT. Cette chanteuse de blues californienne la voix exceptionnelle nous a interprt un de ses nouveaux titres en exclusivit. Le voici en acoustique et en intgralit !

Some Beth Hart for your Wednesday morning!

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Christine Watson
Tuesday April 21, 2015 @ 02:02:05 PM mt

Christine Watson posted the following

I have been noticing on my security settings that I have been logged on in other states or locations for various periods of time. Obviously, I am not in those locations and I don't believe they are hackers logging into my account. Mostly, its' Houston and Crestview, sometimes Africa.. BTW, it's all of my families accounts. I suspect it's some type of tracking...NSA? Anyone else ever check yours? Go to Settings>Security> Scroll down to where you are logged into and read the locations. Comment below with the places you are logged into. Would love to read others.

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Christine Watson
Monday April 20, 2015 @ 01:03:40 AM mt

Christine Watson posted the following

Stoney Vista Farm is a small, organic, hobby farm, located in Walton County. We enjoy growing produce and many types of herbs.

Please LIKE and share my page with friends and family. I'd like to get to 100 likes by Monday morning. I've invited many of you BUT you haven't LIKED the page. Will you help me? #100likes #boostpost #wellness

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Christine Watson
Monday April 20, 2015 @ 12:58:25 AM mt

Christine Watson: Essential Oils Chart - How to Use Essential Oils

Essential Oils Chart - How to Use Essential Oils - #doterra #essentialoils

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Christine Watson
Sunday April 19, 2015 @ 11:03:59 PM mt

Christine Watson: 100 Ways and More to Use Essential Oils

100 ways and more to use essential oils in your home, for personal care, cooking, on the kids, at school and even on your pets.

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Christine Watson
Sunday April 19, 2015 @ 11:03:31 PM mt

Christine Watson: Women’s Hormonal Health: Finding Balance | dTERRA Blog

Its a simple fact: hormones get blamed for a lotbad moods, aggressive moments, even sad days. Deserved or not, it is clear hormones play a significant role in

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Christine Watson
Sunday April 19, 2015 @ 11:03:06 PM mt

Christine Watson posted the following

We've had a chance to use our oils for a few days now. The lavender has had a wonderful calming affect for me. In addition, I use the Slim and Sassy drops in water to alleviate cravings. When Im stressed I tend to want to soothe with food. The most profound use for the oils the past few days was for Kujo. He starting experiencing heavy breathing on Friday and was a little anxious. I put a drop of Frankincense on his paws a few times a day. It seemed to calm him, which is what I was aiming for. If you've never tried essential oils before for natural health, it's time you did! Join Briana and I on our journey.

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Christine Watson
Sunday April 19, 2015 @ 02:49:41 PM mt

Christine Watson added 4 new photos to the album: Kujo

March 1999 - April 19, 2015 RIP

March 1999 - April 19, 2015 RIP

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