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Sean Champ
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 06:42:01 PM mt

Sean Champ: KRG-USA on Twitter: "Necessity is the mother of invention in Gwer Watch- Support Peshmerga-"

Necessity is the mother of invention in Gwer Watch- Support Peshmerga-

In regards to defensive measures, indeed it's not talking about a video game, readers. No laughing gas included.

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Sean Champ
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 06:38:31 PM mt

Sean Champ shared Valdai International Discussion Club's photo

The 13th Valdai paper Marxism in the Post-Globalization Era explores the trends in the development of political ideology at the turn of XX-XXI centuries and reasons of mainstream shifting to the right: from ideas of progressive liberalism to the principles of modern neoliberalism.

About what kind of militant socialism, with fluffy words? Neat Academia writing, it's all the rage in these commercial ages:

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Sean Champ
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 06:22:33 PM mt

Sean Champ shared Rudaw English's photo

A senior female #ISIS recruiter who helped women from #Europe travel to #Syria has been revealed to be a student from Seattle, USA.


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Sean Champ
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 05:54:00 PM mt

Sean Champ shared Buck Sexton's video

With the unrest in Baltimore, the media is talking a lot about the word "thug," asking if/when it's okay to use it. But first, we should probably remember where the word comes from (hint: it's not America). Here's the history of the term "thug" in under 3 minutes...
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Sean Champ
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 05:53:25 PM mt

Sean Champ posted the following

Finished updating the old Linux install on my old laptop - now by-in-large restored of its internal HDD failure, albeit not yet with reimaging onto any hardware-compatible SSD drive not much time to be able to build on it though - for PXE, and so on. Broader issues to attend to no drama about it.

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Sean Champ
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 03:27:50 PM mt

Sean Champ: Debian Linux Kernel Handbook

This handbook is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

Documentation not in the Ubuntu [Internet namespace or product branding domain], but which sheds some light about some design decisions represented in features of the Debian architecture, as retained in Ubuntu's ongoing Debian fork specifically, kernel image management and kernel configuration, on Debian GNU/Linux hosts. One may think to assume that inasmuch as it is a feature of Debian GNU Linux, it may also be a feature of Debian's GNU tooling of FreeBSD i.e Debian GNU/kFreeBSD - that bringing with it, all of the GNU toolchain's corresponding licensing issues, as it effectively imposing a GNU license onto the operating system in its features aside to the OS kernel. On a sidebar: Whyever academic techs may write articles, this article is written not to "Rip off" the Debian architecture, rather to carefully work around the nearly socialist nature of the GPL, in studying both of Debian GNU/Linux and FreeBSD unadorned of GNU conventions, and unadorned of Redmond's marketing, throughout the kernel and OS of the latter, i.e FreeBSD. The following manual about Debian GNU/Linux briefly mentions kernel-img.conf, a host configuration file for which there is a corresponding manual page detailing that file's format. #YMMVorNot

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Sean Champ
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 02:12:29 PM mt

Sean Champ posted the following

JABER CROSSING, Jordan Jordan's overland trade has largely been paralyzed by recent border attacks from insurgents in neighboring Syria and Iraq a spillover of regional turmoil threatening a close Western ally that has thus far succeeded in fending off Islamic militants. The...

No sh_ineola.

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Sean Champ
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 12:16:22 PM mt

Sean Champ: How to fix hash sum mismatch and size mismatch errors from apt-get / apt-cacher | Zyxware Technologies

We run apt-cacher to save bandwidth in our intranet. All Ubuntu systems in our office uses the apt-cacher server to update and upgrade. Recently we started getting the hash sum mismatch and size mismatch errors. After some dabbling with the settings and the files we figured out a simple solution for

A resource that I've found in this morning's technical troubleshooting. Though I am using apt-cdrom, but this article serves to shed something more of a light to the dim issue. In what I am seeing, it seems that my Debian installation is developing an issue with regards to the checksum-hash values as would be conveyed via a format like of package control files, in data fields within files of a pathname matching the shell 'glob' regular expression /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Packages On "Take nr. 2," I've not either found or made a resolution to the issue that I am encountering. To trace back the origins of those data fields, as denoted though it is possible, onto the Debian open systems design it would need far more research than I am personally able to make, whether in this early morning or at any further, reasonably estimable time. An outline, "by Scotty", can be made nonetheless: Assuming that the checksums I'm seeing in my Linux installation's /var/lib/apt/lists/*_Packages files redundantly, each package listed therein having three checksums, namely an MD5 checksum, an SHA1 checksum, and a more rigorously computed SHA256 checksum, to a sum of two redundant checksums for each data package, assuming all of the packaging system's package tools can use SHA256 assuming that those would all be verbatim representations of what's on the DVDs, and what's in the DVD images as etched to DVD, and what's in the upstream DVD images as downloaded, i.e assuming the checksums are all equivalent across those three media and data states then, but I do not know when, where, or how those DVD images are being generated, "Upstream." That, then, is my present "IYWSDRYHTDIY" troubleshooting log, to the issue.

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Sean Champ
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 10:34:27 AM mt

Sean Champ shared a link

NEW YORK While many of Iraqs Kurds are scornful of Washingtons historical involvement in Kurdish affairs, new research by academic Bryan Gibson paints a more positive picture of Washingtons impact on the region. In his forthcoming book, Sold Out? US Foreign Policy,...

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Sean Champ
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 10:33:29 AM mt

Sean Champ shared Fox Business's video

"It is a never-ending nightmare I'm going through now." Ferguson market owner Mumtaz Lani explains what it's like to have your business destroyed by riots and sympathizes with the business owners in Baltimore.
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