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David Shockey
Monday April 27, 2015 @ 09:45:06 PM mt

David Shockey: Quiz: How logical are you? - Telegraph

Does your brain cope with a healthy dose of lateral thinking? Or could it do with some sharpening up? Test yourself with our quick quiz

I am eminently logical.

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David Shockey
Sunday April 26, 2015 @ 10:22:48 PM mt

David Shockey shared EXTRA FM's video

I've tried this when I was a boy and had no luck.

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David Shockey
Sunday April 26, 2015 @ 05:20:23 PM mt

David Shockey shared Deekline's video

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David Shockey
Sunday April 26, 2015 @ 04:41:44 PM mt

David Shockey: Equal but Inferior: Transforming America's Military - Lee Culpepper - Page 1

When the Obama administration finally strong arms the Marine Corps in to lowering its standards so that ordinary women can pass the Infantry Officer Course (IOC), maybe Americas enemies will volunteer to fight with one hand tied behind their backs to level the battlefield, too.

When they first announced that women would be allowed into West Point the commanders assured everyone that they would not lower the standards. When the first women cadets set foot on campus, the next thing they did was lower the standards. That may be fine for the women seeking positions in the military, but does it make the military more capable?

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David Shockey
Thursday April 23, 2015 @ 06:56:34 PM mt

David Shockey added 3 new photos

Last night, Bob Jones high school had their dress rehearsal for the musical "In the Heights". Robbie and I watched and were very impressed. This is not your average high school play.

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David Shockey
Thursday April 23, 2015 @ 06:56:34 PM mt

David Shockey posted the following

Last night, Bob Jones high school had their dress rehearsal for the musical "In the Heights". Robbie and I watched and were very impressed. This is not your average high school play.

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David Shockey
Thursday April 23, 2015 @ 06:11:46 PM mt

David Shockey: Families of 11 Sandy Hook Victims Distance Themselves from Tim McGraw's Gun Control Fundraiser - Breitbart

On April 22 families of 11 Sandy Hook Elementary victims made clear that they are not affiliated with Sandy Hook Promise, the gun control group for whom Tim McGraw is raising money.

I wasn't a fan anyway.

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David Shockey
Wednesday April 22, 2015 @ 06:51:47 AM mt

David Shockey posted the following

The Obama administration is admitting it granted executive amnesty protections to a known gang member one charged with four counts of murder and is now reviewing prior approvals to double check that other gang members have not also been approved for deferred status.


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David Shockey
Tuesday April 21, 2015 @ 06:29:52 PM mt

David Shockey: Wisconsin's Shame: I Thought It Was a Home Invasion | National Review Online

From the May 4, 2015, issue of NR

Unbelievable! Must read.

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