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Deb Schmidt
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 02:11:51 PM mt

Deb Schmidt: Sheriff Calls Out Veiled Threats Against Americas Police from Obamas Homeland Security Secretary » Sons of Liberty Media

Sheriff Calls Out Veiled Threats Against Americas Police

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Deb Schmidt
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 02:10:43 PM mt

Deb Schmidt: Ted Cruz 'hitting on a lot of cylinders' in presidential campaign - Washington Times

Sen. Ted Cruzs month-old presidential campaign has won strong reviews from GOP insiders in key states who say hes managed to tap into the anti-establishment sentiment of primary voters, and his allies have proved they have the ability to raise tens of millions of dollars to boost his bid.

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Deb Schmidt
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 07:06:20 AM mt

Deb Schmidt shared a link

A silver lining from an incredibly sad series of events...

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Deb Schmidt
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 07:05:53 AM mt

Deb Schmidt: New Yorks MTA Imposed Islamic Sharia on Free Speech in the Public Square » Sons of Liberty Media

New Yorks MTA Imposed Islamic Sharia on Free Speech in the Public Square

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Deb Schmidt
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 07:05:21 AM mt

Deb Schmidt: Report: Treasonous Bastard John Kerry Wishes U.S. Had A Leader Like Terror Nation Irans Supreme Leader |

ViaFREE BEACON: Secretary of State John Kerry told his Iranian counterpart that he wished the United States had a leader more like Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, according to comments made by a senior Iranian cleric and repeated in the countrys state-run media. Ayatollah Alam al-Hoda claimed d

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Deb Schmidt
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 07:04:02 AM mt

Deb Schmidt: Armed Black Panthers Call for Murder of Cops at Open Carry March DOJ Silent » Sons of Liberty Media

Armed Black Panthers Call for Murder of Cops at Open Carry March DOJ Silent

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Deb Schmidt
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 01:38:40 AM mt

Deb Schmidt: John Kerry Says Nuclear Deal With Iran is Possible: If Allah Wills It | JEWSNEWS

Did John Kerry just use a Muslim term meaning Allah willing to express hope for a deal with Iran? Thats what a reporter for Al Monitor claims on Twitter.

What the Sam Hill!!

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Deb Schmidt
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 01:36:42 AM mt

Deb Schmidt posted the following

Turning America Into A Battlefield: A Blueprint For Locking Down The Nation

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Deb Schmidt
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 01:19:00 AM mt

Deb Schmidt: SC: Ted Cruz Sweeps 5 official GOP Straw Polls « Javan Browder « The South Carolina Conservative

The past week was a very good one for Ted Cruz in South Carolina, as he swept the straw polls at four bi-annual Republican county conventions, and one county GOP Executive Committee bi-monthly meeting.

Oh Yeah!!

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