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Debra Whitley Goedhart
Monday April 27, 2015 @ 01:49:08 AM mt


By Blaze and Spitfire AMERICAS FREEDOM FIGHTERS - Something that should have happened a long time ago is going to be filed. Ted Cruz is going to file legislation to ban Americans who have joined ISIS and other terrorist groups from being able to come back...

a real leader here folks

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Debra Whitley Goedhart
Friday April 24, 2015 @ 09:02:42 PM mt

Debra Whitley Goedhart: The Arab Purchasing of a U.S. Presidency Revealed: The Valerie Jarrett Connection | sharia unveiled

Bombshell Obama Vetting: 1979 Newspaper Article By Valerie Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals Start Of Muslim Purchase Of U.S. Presidency Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop con...

Val Jarrett Father-In-Law Reveals Start Of Muslim Purchase Of U.S.PreZ

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Debra Whitley Goedhart
Wednesday April 22, 2015 @ 02:42:16 PM mt

Debra Whitley Goedhart shared 105 The River's photo

Sometimes it's good to be Old School!

very true

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Debra Whitley Goedhart
Saturday April 18, 2015 @ 07:26:52 PM mt

Debra Whitley Goedhart: How can Obama be Impeached? | Stop Obama Now!!

Impeachment is not a criminal trial, but a political trial. There is no list of impeachable offenses. Gerald Ford said once that an impeachable offense is whatever the Congress will vote for. It ma...

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Debra Whitley Goedhart
Saturday April 18, 2015 @ 12:32:18 AM mt

Debra Whitley Goedhart: Secure the border - Americans for Economic Freedom

When Pres. Obama failed to secure our border, Gov. Perry stepped in to lead the charge. Sign the petition to stand for border security!

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Debra Whitley Goedhart
Sunday April 12, 2015 @ 04:09:33 PM mt

Debra Whitley Goedhart shared 95.7 R&B's photo

I would not vote for BLOODY KILLARY if she were the only candidate AND voting was mandatory!!!!! In a word HELL NO!!!!!!

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Debra Whitley Goedhart
Sunday April 12, 2015 @ 04:10:34 AM mt

Debra Whitley Goedhart: VOTD: Chimps are Not Drone Fans Either!

Oh, so you want to get all up in this primates face with a drone do you? Bubbles the chimp aint playing that game.

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Debra Whitley Goedhart
Sunday April 12, 2015 @ 04:10:12 AM mt

Debra Whitley Goedhart: Would Obama be getting away with all of this if he were white? |

(by Allen B. West) --I know everyone is talking about Obamas unconstitutional actions, granting legal status to some 5.2 million illegal immigrants. If theres one thing Obama and his spinmeisters are experts at, its the ability to change the dialogue in the country to a topic of their choosing.

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Debra Whitley Goedhart
Sunday April 12, 2015 @ 01:50:08 AM mt

Debra Whitley Goedhart: Go Sun Solar Cooker Heats to 550 Degrees Without Electricity In Minutes!

Solar cooking just got even better thanks to the new fuss-free GoSun stove. This uber awesome tube stove can cook delicious meals without using a lick of fuel in just 20 minutes. Baking, boiling or frying is easy and fast and the stove is available at less than $300!When there's sunlight, and you

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