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Lenvil John Curtis
Thursday April 30, 2015 @ 06:19:12 PM mt

Lenvil John Curtis shared Lisa Raye's photo

Can the church say Amen!?! I can relate. Happy Sunday yall. #blessedToBstressed #LifeRocks


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Lenvil John Curtis
Wednesday April 29, 2015 @ 11:05:39 PM mt

Lenvil John Curtis shared David Wolfe's video

Cat gets caught barking by a human and resumes meowing

Kenneth Huston

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Lenvil John Curtis
Wednesday April 29, 2015 @ 10:57:51 PM mt

Lenvil John Curtis shared a post

This past Saturday, April 25th, 2015, my family and I were doing some baseball bat shopping in Fayetteville! We made 2 stops, at T&G Allsports and Dairy Queen right up the road from T&G so I'm not really sure at which location I received this 5 dollar bill back. This 5 dollar bill isn't like any other, it's clearly something that holds value to some mother for her daughter, Kaylee! So, I am looking for Kaylee's Mother to give this to back Kaylee. Maybe this mother didn't mean to spend it or that's all the money she had but either way, I would love to give this back to her. I'm asking that all of my friends share this post to help me find Kaylee's mother!!! I want to pay it forward by finding the person who wrote this money travels super fast but I know facebook posts travel just as fast!
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Lenvil John Curtis
Wednesday April 29, 2015 @ 10:53:04 PM mt

Lenvil John Curtis shared Gun Owners of America's photo

LIKE and SHARE to alert others! And hold accountable the traitors listed below by going here to send pre-written letters to your Senators:
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Lenvil John Curtis
Wednesday April 29, 2015 @ 06:49:56 PM mt

Lenvil John Curtis posted the following

I wanted to give a shout out to my beautiful wife Erin Carver Curtis. Just a little something to let you know you are special to me I love you Darlin'

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Lenvil John Curtis
Wednesday April 29, 2015 @ 06:13:07 PM mt

Lenvil John Curtis shared Sportsmans Hub's photo

Your thoughts please...??? LOL

Put horns on the toilet or a bulls eye at the bottom. Just saying

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Lenvil John Curtis
Wednesday April 29, 2015 @ 05:56:43 PM mt

Lenvil John Curtis: Were Called to Make Disciples, Not Converts | RELEVANT Magazine

Has a culture of convenience and consumerism changed the way we preach the Gospel?

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Lenvil John Curtis
Wednesday April 29, 2015 @ 12:34:59 PM mt

Lenvil John Curtis: Baltimore Mom Of The Year? - For America

Even the Baltimore Police Commissioner praised this mom for taking charge of her child

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Lenvil John Curtis
Wednesday April 29, 2015 @ 12:32:14 PM mt

Lenvil John Curtis: Jade Helm Update: Military Vehicles Spotted Behind Midland Texas Walmart | VIDEO – Free Patriot Post

Dahboo 7 is reporting that Underground World News has just sent him video footage of Military vehicles being hidden behind a Walmart in Midland Texas right in the very area where The Jade Helm Exercise will take place.

Ramona Curtis Kristopher Curtis

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