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Kelly Richardson
Wednesday April 29, 2015 @ 04:01:54 AM mt

Kelly Richardson posted the following

Well, Kids, the results are in!!! WILL HAGEN is quite possibly a genius :) It's rare, indeed, to hear works for violin that have been played and played and played, recorded many times, and hear EVERY NOTE played as well OR BETTER than you've ever heard it before... That is how Will Hagen plays. Very few recordings of these works compare with the perfection and IMAGINATION of his playing. Great violinists consider Heifetz to have been great because of his imagination -- NOT his "technique," many would be surprised to know. Will Hagen REMINDS me of the truly great violinists of the past, Heifetz, Stern, Kogan, Oistrakh (ETC.), in that when he plays a passage -- or a NOTE, for that matter -- you realize that you are hearing it as well as it could POSSIBLY be interpreted. What a thrilling concert, with MANY thrilling moments -- subtle points of sheer genius, time and time again. Check him out, Folks: He is as good as they get!

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Kelly Richardson
Wednesday April 29, 2015 @ 01:01:06 AM mt

Kelly Richardson posted the following

For any of you NOT seated in Libby Gardner Hall RIGHT NOW, I'm sorry you have to miss this! for a GLORIOUS evening! :)

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Kelly Richardson
Friday April 17, 2015 @ 02:58:45 PM mt

Doug Clyde shared a photo to Kelly Richardson's Timeline

A rare sheet music typewriter (1953) What music making means do you prefer to use now?

I'm glad we don''t have to do it like this. Then again, we wouldn't have to worry about software compatibility.

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Kelly Richardson
Saturday March 28, 2015 @ 12:29:00 AM mt

Doug Clyde shared a photo to Kelly Richardson's Timeline

What is the lowest note that can be played by an instrument? Watch on You Tube: DRQ - Doug's Random Questions Website:

I'm sure this is a question you're dying to know the answer to. What is the lowest note that can be played by an instrument? DRQ - Doug's Random Questions

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Kelly Richardson
Monday March 16, 2015 @ 01:08:07 PM mt

Kelly Richardson: Hubble Deep Field: The Most Imp. Image Ever Taken (Redux) - YouTube

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This is the latest incarnation of the HDF video. The narration has been edited to include research from a paper in Physical Review Letters (2004) which puts ...

Kelly, here's the video I was talking about. Hubble Deep Field: The Most Important Image Ever Taken

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Kelly Richardson
Wednesday February 25, 2015 @ 11:31:12 PM mt

Kelly Richardson shared The Music Empowers Foundation's photo


Thanks, Barbara Hiatt!!! It's 100% true!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

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Kelly Richardson
Wednesday February 25, 2015 @ 01:13:04 AM mt

Kelly Richardson posted the following

In honor of Arlette!

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