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Roxie McDaniel
Saturday August 16, 2014 @ 03:33:55 PM mt

Roxie McDaniel: Ferguson police stand down; Looters run wild again; Local store owners plead for help: ‘Where the cops at?’ | Twitchy

Ferguson, Mo., police who had been accused earlier of responding to rioters in an overly aggressive manner backed off last night. The result was entirely predictable.

The protests are peaceful now? Called it. But I don't blame the cops. Its up to the store owners now.

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Roxie McDaniel
Saturday August 16, 2014 @ 02:01:05 AM mt

Roxie McDaniel: Attorney Confirms That Is His Client and Michael Brown in Surveillance Video | Mediaite

A lawyer for Dorian Johnson, the man who was with Michael Brown when he was shot by a police officer on Saturday by a Ferguson, Missouri police officer, has confirmed that it is his client and Brown in the convenience store surveillance video that shows the two men allegedly stealing cigars and push

I guess they struck a bargin.

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Roxie McDaniel
Friday August 15, 2014 @ 02:46:08 PM mt

Roxie McDaniel: Ferguson police say Michael Brown was suspect in robbery | Fox News

Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was fatally shot by a police officer in a St. Louis suburb, fit the description of a strong-arm robbery suspect that police were responding to the night he was shot, the Ferguson police chief said at a Friday press conference.

So, IT APPEARS, that Michael Brown had just committed a strong-arm robbery when a BLACK officer confronted him cuz MB fit the BOLO. So being hyped up and fleeing the scene, MB intended to not get apprehended. Just WOW!

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Roxie McDaniel
Friday August 15, 2014 @ 02:37:02 PM mt

Roxie McDaniel: He's Bla-ack! Ferguson cop who shot Brown | The Black Sphere |

I predicted this shortly after the shooting and went on RECORD! I know the stench of Liberal reporting when I smell it.


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Roxie McDaniel
Friday August 15, 2014 @ 05:08:16 AM mt

Roxie Brasher McDaniel shared Texas A&M University's status update

Thanks & Gig 'em to Dr. Temple Grandin for visiting Aggieland tonight! Dr. Grandin, an accomplished author and an internationally renowned animal scientist, addressed our Aggie graduates and their friends and family at commencement convocation. #TAMUgrad
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Roxie McDaniel
Friday August 15, 2014 @ 01:49:57 AM mt

Roxie McDaniel: A Houston Teenager Put a Face on the #IfTheyGunnedMeDown Hashtag | Texas Monthly

As the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, has escalated, a Houston teen and others turned to social media to wonder how traditional media might depict them if they were shot by police.

His "gangsta" pic was from a rap video about POLYBOMIALS! What does this privledged little snit going to Houston's elite, private performing arts school even know about oppression? But his tweet started a movement. Smh.

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Roxie McDaniel
Friday August 15, 2014 @ 01:11:15 AM mt

Roxie McDaniel: The Ebola Crisis Just Went From Bad to Worse -

Under the category of I told you so, a political contact,Jatto Abdulqudir, of who I dubbed Patient Zero, Patrick Sawyer, has died. I had previously expressed the fear that Sawyers boarding of two airplanes with multiple connecting flights raised the Continue reading

Quote: The high infection ratio of dead patients to dead medical personnel is alarming beyond words and nobody is talking about this in the mainstream media.

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Roxie McDaniel
Thursday August 14, 2014 @ 03:11:37 AM mt

Roxie McDaniel: Man Frustrated By Ferguson Riots Goes On Epic Rant: "When Are We Going To Change, Black People?" - Daily Surge This one, ladies and gentlemen, is a rant for the ages. Following the shooting of unarmed Ferguson, Missouri teenager Michael Brown, there have been countless riots resulting in catastrophic property damage and numerous arrests...

This man is a prophet!

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Roxie McDaniel
Wednesday August 13, 2014 @ 11:03:32 PM mt

Roxie McDaniel: Burger robot to replace minimum wage protesters – Three Percenter Nation

What happens when you protest for a wage that your skills (rather the lack thereof), and demand it before you'll work for

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Roxie McDaniel
Wednesday August 13, 2014 @ 10:25:23 PM mt

Roxie McDaniel posted the following

Please take a moment to pray right now. Pastor Saeed Abedini is in grave danger. Weve just gotten word that ISIS terrorists inside his prison ward in Iran are threatening to murder him because he is a Christian. This is the same group who are slaughtering Christians and other religious minorities in Syria and Iraq. Saeed is an American citizen who has been imprisoned for nearly two years and cannot trust the guards or other prisoners. God alone can protect him.

Lord help him!

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