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Scott Shipley
Monday September 28, 2015 @ 10:57:36 AM mt

Sonya's ongoing Battle with Cancer by Scott Shipley - GoFundMe

Sonya's ongoing Battle with Cancer ... Friends I have been recently diagnosed with Cancer and am normally self-sufficient but am now having to stay at my Daughters House with my wonderful grand-children as my ex-fiance of 9 years wasn't man enough to help me after a 9 year engagement and His Mother selfish to her own needs regardless my own has driven me out. I still have more surgeries and continued treatment to undergo. I am reaching out asking many of you to sow a seed to help with my treatments, medicines/prescriptions, expensive medical copays, travel expenses to and from doctor visits that are sometimes out of state; and various other expenses that have been generated. I wanted to reach out to a few of my friends to see if you could please donate. I am trying to raise as much money that I can before my next couple of surgeries. If you desire to give, or find it in your heart please feel free to donate here on: GofundMe. >>> If you are not able to give financially, that is fine as well. Your prayers mean alot also ! Please keep your Sister in prayer ! May God bless you ! Sonya if you can Donate or Please: COPY, PASTE & SHARE:
Sonya's ongoing Battle with Cancer by Scott Shipley - Friends I have been recently diagnosed with Cancer and am normally self-sufficient but am now having to stay at my Daughters House with my wonderful grand-children as my ex-fiance of 9 years wasn't man enough to help me after a 9 year engagement and His Mother selfish to her own needs regardless...
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