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Tamara Flaherty
Monday February 02, 2015 @ 07:27:17 PM mt

Tamara Flaherty likes a photo

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Tamara Flaherty
Saturday January 31, 2015 @ 06:28:18 PM mt

Tamara Flaherty likes a photo

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Tamara Flaherty
Sunday January 25, 2015 @ 09:38:22 PM mt

Tamara Flaherty posted the following

Oh my goodness, she has gotten so big!

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Tamara Flaherty
Monday January 19, 2015 @ 04:06:38 AM mt

Tamara Flaherty posted the following

I just made a donation to the National MS Society! Together we can create a world free of MS.

I'd like to invite my friends and family to support my friend Deanna as she walks in the Multiple Sclerosis walk this year. Every little bit helps!

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