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Wanda Schmidt
Saturday March 07, 2015 @ 01:37:05 PM mt

Wanda Schmidt shared's video

Cea mai dragalasa pisicuta!! SHARE!!

Totally <3 :-D

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Wanda Schmidt
Saturday March 07, 2015 @ 01:37:05 PM mt

Wanda Schmidt shared's video

Cea mai dragalasa pisicuta!! SHARE!!

Totally <3 :-D

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Wanda Schmidt
Saturday March 07, 2015 @ 01:25:52 PM mt

Wanda Schmidt shared ZooBorns's photo

A Tapir calf born on February 27 at the Czech Republics Zoo Brno made his media debut at the ripe old age of four days! Read more at and at ZooBorns
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Wanda Schmidt
Saturday March 07, 2015 @ 11:58:47 AM mt

Wanda Schmidt shared Sissi's photo
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Wanda Schmidt
Saturday March 07, 2015 @ 03:45:20 AM mt

Wanda Schmidt: You are being redirected...

LA Times: Hamas-linked CAIR's Nihad Awad one of

If this asstard comes back to Canada and runs into me, I'll settle his problems with everything in this world Finally.

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Wanda Schmidt
Saturday March 07, 2015 @ 03:01:08 AM mt

Wanda Schmidt: Incoming -

Beautiful Cats Pictures, Cute Kittens, Funny Cats and Kittens and More ... All at One Place!

Nomz Tracking Array <3

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Wanda Schmidt
Saturday March 07, 2015 @ 02:58:25 AM mt

Wanda Schmidt: What is Hillary Clinton Hiding in Her Email? - Eagle Rising

What is Hillary Clinton Hiding in Her Email?

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Wanda Schmidt
Saturday March 07, 2015 @ 02:55:03 AM mt

Wanda Schmidt: Mexican Drug Cartels Caused the Border Crisis | National Review Online

And the Obama administration falsely took credit for stopping it.

If folks really knew what those cartels were up to, you'd outright annihilate them. You think islam is bad? The mexi-cartels are allied with islam.

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